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THE NECKS presents


“one of the most extraordinary groups on the planet…not so much a trio as a revolutionary
consortium redefining music… “
 – The Guardian.

“One of the greatest bands in the world”– The New York Times.

The Necks conjure music that defies description in orthodox terms.  Not entirely avant-garde, nor minimalist, nor ambient, nor jazz, the music of The Necks is regularly described internationally as, simply, unique.

Together for 25 years, the Australian cult trio have honed an assured process of building around repeated motifs through subtle shifts and layering, to produce an extraordinarily dense and hypnotic effect frequently underpinned by an insistent deep groove.  As their dedicated followers know, their performances are entirely improvised consisting of two pieces evolving over around 50 minutes each and are an experience that has to be heard to be believed.

In his book “The Blue Moment” Richard Williams reviews the making of Miles Davis’ Kind of Blue and the development of music from that seminal point.  He dedicates a number of pages to The Necks, saying:

“…the new music I would find it hardest to do without, fifty years after ‘Kind of Blue’, is that produced by the Necks… the Necks exploit the spaces that were opened up for them all those years ago, spaces in harmony, rhythm and melody, but also spaces in the mind”

2009 and 2010 proved outstanding years for The Necks, with an invitation from Nick Cave to appear at All Tomorrows Parties, two performances with Brian Eno in PURE SCENIUS, a 3-concert improvised collaboration, at Sydney Opera House and Brighton Festival 2010, and major tours of US and Europe including their collaboration with Back to Back theatre group.

In late 2011 they will release their 16th album Mindset…their first on vinyl

2009’s album  Silverwater gathered widespread critical praise:

**** “they arrived fully formed, in a treeless plain where Kind of Blue’s narcoleptic haze meets Steve Reich’s pin-sharp minimalism, where time expands to fill the available space… deliriously, deliciously, Silverwater will drown you.” – The Times

***** “austerely elegant” – The Guardian

“The Necks are among the world’s most consistently great exponents of improvised music” – BBC Music online

“…a band so singular in its purpose yet so universal its appeal”
 – the jazz breakfast

“Silverwater is an emphatic statement from three thoroughly original musicians who, at the start of their third decade together, continue to create compelling and inspirational works of art. At the end of the sixty-seven minutes that is Silverwater, you emerge from an exquisite dream state, transformed by the experience.”

At this point in my life, there are few artists on earth whom I genuinely get excited about when I hear they have a new album coming out…The Necks are one of those bands. 20 years later and umpteen records behind ‘em and they still boggle my mind

Watch a full length concert via streaming video:


€20 available online from WAV Tickets [Lo-Call 1890 200 078] (50c per ticket service charge applies on phone or credit card bookings)


Whelan’s Indie Club w/ Late Bar from 10:30pm or check out the bands playing The Midnight Hour in the upstairs venue (FREE ENTRY, 12am).