Aiken Promotions presents
plus support
^ Upstairs ^
Tickets €18.00 inclusive of booking fee, available now from Ticketmaster and WAV
“Unmissable” ★★★★★ The Guardian
“One of Britain’s best.” ★★★★★ The Times
“Puts everything into every word.” The LA Times
“David Ford is the eternal thrill of a young man going way too far and pulling it off.” – Word Magazine Useful
Aiken Promotions proudly presents David Ford live at Whelans (upstairs), 26th October 2019. Tickets €18.00 inclusive of booking fee, available now from Ticketmaster.ie and WAV.
Ford’s journey through the many worlds of the modern music industry has not always been an easy one to navigate. A succession of record labels seduced by his talents have in turn, attempted to sell him as a pop star, a protest singer, an indie hipster, a balladeer and a bluesman.
In reality he might be all of these things. And none of the above. It’s complicated.
These days, Ford feels much more at home operating on the fringes of the music business, not trying to be famous, not trying to get rich. It might be an unconventional way to conduct a musical career, but this is not a conventional guy, as evidenced by his most recent album, Animal Spirits, a surprisingly accessible, even soulful collection of songs about economics. As an artist Ford still defies classification or comparison.
Singer-songwriter doesn’t begin to cover it. He writes and performs with fluency across multiple genres, plays every instrument on the stage and even invents new ones to create truly unique recordings and performances. Every live show is different.
His debut album, I Sincerely Apologise for All the Trouble I’ve Caused, was included in both The Times and Word Magazine’s top ten albums of the year. His records have achieved number one slots on iTunes and in 2014, he received the French Grammy award for best original song. Ford’s masterful song writing, powerful live performances and utter distaste for self-promotion have helped cultivate a passionate, devoted fan base that exists something like a secret society.
€18 available online from WAV Tickets or Lo-Call 01 4780766 (9:30am-7pm M-F)
– 50c per ticket service charge applies on phone, internet or creditcard bookings. Final ticket price may be higher from other outlets.
Strictly over 18′s, I.D. may be required.
Whelan’s Indie Club w/ Late Bar from 10:30pm or check out the bands playing The Midnight Hour in the upstairs venue – Free Entry via front door until 10:30pm | Drinks Promos