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‘Furey’s vocals are the linchpin of the operation, his smooth and powerful tones wrapping themselves around a number of folk anthems, each imbued with a slight country twist. They’re more than capable of making a breakthrough with these tunes’ ‘Stop the light’ blogger
The Young Folk are set to release their début 5 track EP on Thursday the 17th November at 8pm, in Whelan’s, Wexford St, D 2. This powerful self-titled ep has the anticipated balance of seamless harmonies, classic folk progression that continues their journey through dynamic soundscapes. With shades of alt-county heroes in evidence, the bands orchestration nods to home grown and North American folk traditions that artfully build melodies that feel as though they have existed for many years.
The Young Folk boasts a line-up of some of the most promising, young musicians performing in Ireland today. Anthony Furey formed ‘The Young Folk’ at the beginning of the year, with Paul Butler, Karl Hand, Tony McLoughlin and Karen Hickey, all assured musicians and songwriters. Their well-travelled live show is already highly regarded for technical knowhow and their performance also distinguishes itself by the kind of raw energy and passion inherent in good folk music.
This Dublin-based five piece have taken the festival circuit by storm over the past year with performances at CastlePalooza, Vantastival, Knockanstockan, Flat Lake, Milk&Cookies, Florø festival in Norway, The Sligo Sessions and The Spirit of Folk Festival wrapping up the festival season this year. The young folk are renowned as one of the most highly rated folk outfits in Ireland today.
Listen to it pre release HERE.
€10 plus booking fee available from WAV Tickets [Lo-Call 1890 200 078].