(Live at Opium)
Sat, 30/10/2021
Movement, progression and utilising opportunities have been ever-present in The Spitfires’ camp since their emergence back in 2012 and what a journey that has been thus far…
Three self-financed albums, a diary logged with live shows and an ever-rabid fanbase continues to see the youthful trio looking forward on their self-built wave of positivity…”it’s not where you’ve been that matters, it’s where you’re heading that’s important” – for The Spitfires that means right now with imminent new album, Life Worth Living.
It’s release marks the start of a relationship with the similarly minded Acid Jazz Records whilst realising their hopes and aspirations both on a creative and personal level. The sound of a band who have made significant strides artistically, absorbing influences, inspired by events and inspirations before melding into their own forms and sounds. Whether within its less frenetic and introspective moments or its more provocative outings, Life Worth Living is chock full of tunes, an album that is forthright and self-assured.
Having amassed a loyal support, the band have tasted chart success with their previous releases emerging with their own political, acute social commentary. The impassioned rhetoric has prompted support slot invitations from amongst others, Paul Weller and The Specials. Emboldened with genuine passion and pop nous, this fiercely independent trio look set to break out to a wider audience with Life Worth Living
A diverse mixture of unadulterated joy and melancholy, laughter and tears, frustration and tranquillity it mirrors what turbulent times we live in but at its heart is the most important message; a sense of hope that things and events will improve and we all need to aspire to the pertinent title of the album. A message that is important , irrespective of time and place no more so than now. Life Worth Living, available on all formats is released on 19th June through Acid Jazz Records.
Opium, 26 Wexford St, D2 – http://opium.ie/spaces/club/
€19.50 available online from Whelan’s
– 50c per ticket service charge applies on all bookings. Final ticket price may be higher from other outlets.
Strictly over 18′s, I.D. may be required.