plus guests
Keith O’Brien’s Missing Links & Ray Scully
Following a sell out EP launch in May and a performance at the Ones To Watch 2013 Festival The Jigsaw Jam return to Whelans, this time taking on the Main Stage. The band have been gathering momentum since last year and have been compared to The Waterboys, Mumford and Sons and The Beautiful Sound. Their music fuses the singer songwriter genre with elements of traditional Irish and American folk. This gig marks the start of an extensive Irish tour with the band planning on playing in as many venues and counties as possible in 2013. ‘Cross between Mumford and Sons/ Beautiful South perhaps’- Ed Leahy, RTE Journalist. ‘A soothing combination of styles, with well blended vocals throughout each track. The result is refreshing and exciting’-MRU.
Joining The Jigsaw Jam on the night will be Keith O Brien’s Missing Links, a powerful and melodic 5 piece acoustic band, with two excellent singles under their belts, as well as countless gigs. Ray Scully, who recently featured and gave a rousing performance on RTE’s The Voice will also perform on the night. Ray’s soulful voice and guitar playing is captured in his live performances.
Confirm on facebook HERE
€10 available online from WAV Tickets [Lo-Call 1890 200 078] (50c per ticket service charge applies on phone or creditcard bookings from WaV).
Strictly over 18′s, I.D. may be required.
Whelan’s Indie Club w/ Late Bar from 10:30pm or check out the bands playing The Midnight Hour in the upstairs venue (FREE ENTRY, 12am).