Diatribe Records presents
Three of Dublin’s finest electronical acts:
Click ‘attending’ on the facebook event and get on the guestlist! CLICK HERE
A-Force is a DJ and producer with the !Kaboogie and Alphabet Set collectives based outta Dublin.
He presents a weekly radio show ‘Aistear Dub’ (Adventures in dub) on Dublin’s Raidio na Life every Sunday at midnight GMT with the dub/electro/skatter sound from all around.
Sundillon EP is a mesmerising, singular release that melds the spirit of jazz with the ghosts of future sounds – Harmless Noise
zoiband mashes jazz together with electronic dancefloor bass music jazz assassins kill beats with rhythmic weaponry, chordal mayhem, and other lazer like thing.
download for name-your-price:
“best artist page on the internet” Nialler9
So we live in the future these days, a time of plentiful digital bounty to make up for the shortfall in the real world. All recorded music is just a few clicks away if you know where to look. It’s easy to be overwhelmed as a listener, and as a producer and DJ, the more pies you have fingers in, the harder it is to define your sound. It’s an issue that t-woc has certainly had to deal with. A ultra-diverse DJ, Reggae selectah par excellence, helmsman of the alphabet see electronica collective, Hip-Hop fanatic, one of Ireland’s original dubsteppers and fan of many other things weird and wonderful in music.
So how do you fit all these influences in to your music and keep it coherent? The Jetstar EP is how. His 6th for Alphabet Set was done with the help of some vinyl, field recordings, an out of tune analogue synth, a trio of crusty vintage fx units and a dash of MPC. This is t-woc music – a blend of neck snapping beats, glistening electronic melodies, steppers vibes and proper basslines, often with a t-woc trademark twist at the end. Big grooves which could only have been made right now in 2011. Named after a track that didn’t make the cut, The Jetstar EP is available for free download Friday 30/09/11
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