Whelanslive.com are having a
Saturday 15th October, 1pm-5pm
BUY | SELL | TRADE all your old VINYL | CDs | TAPES
Following on from the success and general good-time vibes of the first Whelan’s Record Fair we’ve decided that not only was a second record fair in order but that it should be a bigger and better affair than the first. With that in mind we will be moving the fair from the upstairs venue down into the main bar & venue allowing for more selling/browsing/yapping/drinking space. If testimonies from the first fair are anything to go on then it would be advisable to bring cash – lots and lots of cash – and also best you avoid making any other plans for the afternoon. So do pop down on October 15th and pick up some early musical Christmas presents for yourself because you’re definitely worth it.
If you would like to participate as a buyer/seller/trader or if you have any questions about the record fair then please send an email to vincent@whelanslive.com