UMACK presents
& The Melting Paraiso U.F.O (Japan)
plus support
_ Main Venue _
Legendary Japanese Physchedlic rockers Acid Mothers Temple return to Dublin on Fri 23rd Sept in Whelan’s! Tickets on sale now.
The current live line-up of the group is :
Kawabata Makoto : guitar, synthesizer, etc, speed guru
Higashi Hiroshi : synthesizer, noodle god
Tabata Mitsuru : guitar, guitar-synthesizer, voice, maratab
Satoshima Nani : drums,another dimension
S/T : bass, voice, space & time
Acid Mothers Temple & the Melting Paraiso U.F.O. (and subsequent offshoots) is a Japanese psychedelic band, the core of which formed in 1995. The band is led by guitarist Kawabata Makoto and early in their career featured many musicians, but by 2004 the line-up had coalesced with only a few core members and frequent guest vocalists. The band has released albums frequently on a number of international record labels as well as the Acid Mothers Temple family record label, which was established in 1998 to document the activities of the whole collective. This cosmic freak-out collective return’s with a brand new album “Benziaten” is an In C-style homage to the classic Osamu Kitajima record “Benziaten” (1973). Acid Mothers Temple covers the title-track and reprise using Kitajima’s original composition as a departure point to explore the outer realms of AMT territory. Further instrumental explorations reveal textures of the original composition while launching out further into the cosmic domain. Numerous Acid Mothers originals are scattered in between.
€15 available online from WAV Tickets or Lo-Call 1890 200 078 (1-8pm M-F, 4-8pm Sat)
– 50c per ticket service charge applies on phone, internet or creditcard bookings. Final ticket price may be higher from other outlets.
Strictly over 18′s, I.D. may be required
Whelan’s Indie Club w/ Late Bar from 10:30pm or check out the bands playing The Midnight Hour in the upstairs venue – Free Entry via front door until 10:30pm | Drinks Promos