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Jamie Lawson – Wasn’t Expecting That – becomes viral youtube hit – from 1000 to 25,000 youtube hits in just over a week and with appearances on Ian Dempsey’s show on Today FM, The Late Late Show & Ireland AM he’s now at over 68,000 and rising fast.
‘A new song for a new year’. That was the simple unassuming remark that Jamie Lawson chose to accompany his Wasn’t Expecting That video when he posted it to Youtube at the start of January. What Jamie really wasn’t expecting was the incredible reaction to the song in the weeks since, particularly in Ireland, where people seem to have embraced it’s simple, love story as an antidote to the turmoil that surrounds daily life.
Sitting with approximately 1000 Youtube views on the 13th of January the video exploded in popularity following airplay on Ian Dempsey’s Breakfast Show on Today FM and now sits on circa 25,000 views and growing thanks to continued radio airplay and it’s popularity on Twitter.
Originally planned for release on Jamie’s next album later in the year, the song’s popularity has forced him to record it as a single for immediate release.
It all follows on nicely from Jamie’s last album of 2010 “The Pull Of The Moon” on Lookout Mountain Records which was recently made Album Of The Year by The Sunday Mercury beating the likes of Ray Davies, Take That and Brandon Flowers to the top spot.
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