featuring –
Upstairs@Whelan’s from Midnight.
Doors: 11:30pm
Whelanslive.com is proud to bring you The Midnight Hour. Showcasing the best new talent in Ireland.
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This Paddy’s eve we have a brilliant night planned with Old-Skool Jamaican Ska Band Interskalactic in the main venue from 9pm followed by a very special performance from Galway’s Daithí, upstairs from Midnight.
Here’s how Daithí has described the night:
I have a brand new show that I’m trying out on this tour, it’s based around improv and focused on the fiddle and an analog bass synth. I played the set last week in Limerick and Galway, and it went down really well, I think it’s a serious improvement to the show last year.
I’d love for you to come and see it, and have a dance, it’s going to be a fun night.