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Buy Tickets 2016 master

UMACK presents


plus support


_ Main Venue _

Activities began in 1992, in 1996 Takeshi, Wata, Atsuo to current members organization. From the beginning of the activity, we are developing our own location and methodology by ourselves, developing it worldwide. Established enthusiastic fans and basses with a live full of dynamics that literally ‘feels’ the sound. Its performance also fascinates Nine · Inch · Nails and has been selected to support the US Arena Tour. Through intermittent studio sessions, almost all recordings themselves’ Recordings that are fronted by sounds’ are not only representative works’ PINK ‘(‘ 05), ‘SMILE’ (’08),’ NOISE ‘(‘ 14) A collaboration work that covers about 20 works with altar (’07) and others co-worked with several full-length albums, Sun O))). It was also remembered that he wrote to “Ninja Slayer Fair Animation” and offered three new songs and one new song (’15).
In addition, it also offers songs to the movie “Limits of Control” (’09) “Confession” (‘ 10), and it is well matched with songs that are often mentioned as visual, ing.

Starting in 2013 again, focus on live activities in a three person formation that does not include guest players, further strengthening interaction and balance among members. World tours mainly conducted in Japan / North America / Europe / Australia are still going on annually since 2006, with the scale expanded.

In 2017 when we celebrate 25th anniversary, we announce the latest studio album “DEAR” worldwide.


€16 available online from WAV Tickets or Lo-Call 1890 200 078 (1-7pm M-F)

– 50c per ticket service charge applies on phone, internet or creditcard bookings. Final ticket price may be higher from other outlets.

Strictly over 18′s, I.D. may be required


Whelan’s Indie DJ in the bar and Sonntags [Disco/House/Funk] upstairs from 11pm til late (Free Entry).