Live from the Window at Whelan’s
From Portland, Oregen
“I suppose if one could pinpoint exactly what it is that separates good folk and roots-based music from mediocre schlock, everyone would be getting it right. Obviously, not everyone does—but Portland-by-way-of-Indianapolis singer/songwriter Kory Quinn is one of those whose music not only upholds well-worn traditions but also sounds fresh in the process. It might be a case of believability: Quinn’s latest nine-song collection, Waitin’ for a Train, carries on the tradition of wandering troubadours and train-hopping drifters, and if that’s a romantic notion (it’s not entirely fabricated—Quinn recently took a trip across the US by train, although it was funded by Kickstarter, so one presumes he wasn’t hopping from boxcar to boxcar), it’s one that Quinn imbues with authenticity. In a crowded field of local roots musicians, Quinn stands out as one who’s got his bead aimed precisely at the truth. “
“[VAGABOND AMERICANA] With his latest album, Waitin’ for a Train, Portland troubadour Kory Quinn and his band, the Comrades, break forth with a firm, compelling sort of Americana that is at once hauntingly familiar and entirely Quinn’s own. The songwriter’s voice, both strained and tender, wafts through a soundscape speckled with sparse percussion and hammering harmonica, perfectly suiting somber lullabies such as the placid “In My Mother’s Arms” and the raucous “Runaway Train” with equal vigor. Quinn offers timeless country folk infused with a hint of rock, the kind of music that has been listened to for generations and will remain relevant for decades. “
“Beyond that, the details of the Comrades are a mystery, but that’s fine, because stark, haunting but brilliantly rendered songs such as “Shoes of the Dead,” “You Ain’t Coming Back,” “Austin” and “Under the Gun” succeed because of their dark and twisted layers and the many lingering questions of that vaunted “old, weird America.”” -Jim DeRogatis, Sound Opinions and The Chicago Sun-Times
“Train-Hoppin, Foot-Stompin’, Hobo-Blues” -Rob Stroup, Eight-Ball Studios, Portland, OR
“Kory Quinn is a writer of personal experience and a singer of cross-country adventure, frequently woven into a prayer rug of justice. With a hobo twang as sharp as a 9-ball break, Kory Quinn effectively transposes the eternal troubadours like Woody Guthrie, Ramblin’ Jack Elliot, and Bob Dylan into Two-Thousand-and-Ten. Since April, 2010 Kory Quinn has self-released one EP, “The Drifter” and one Album, “Bound for Glory” through his record label Ma and Pa Records and with the help of Rob Stroup of Eight-Ball Studios. He is set to self-release his second album on October 31st “Shoes of The Dead”. There is also in the works a third Album “State of The Union” to be released in January. Kory is also co-founder of the Portland Field Recording Project (
-Matt Kalinowski, Noctilucent PR