Aiken Promotions presents
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^ Upstairs ^
“When dreamy synth rock four piece Inhaler took the stage at the Button Factory on Wednesday night as part of the industry led event Garageland the crowd, mostly comprising of teenage girls, reached fever pitch.” – Hotpress
Today, Inhaler has announced a headline show for upstairs at Whelans this September.
Playing original material inspired by the likes of Joy Division and Echo and the Bunnymen, they played their first gig in the Grand Social, in Dublin, and have moved on to play other venues in the area such as The Workmans Club and the Button Factory a number of times.
Their first single ‘I Want You’ was released in January of 2017 and a B-side ‘She’s my girl?’ (Demo) was also released following the single being uploaded onto streaming platforms.
After a slightly dodgy encounter with the Leaving Certificate, ‘The Inhalers’ have planned a number of gigs for the coming months and are in the process of recording more music to be released very soon.
€11 available online from WAV Tickets or Lo-Call 1890 200 078 (1-8pm M-F, 4-8pm Sat)
– 50c per ticket service charge applies on phone, internet or creditcard bookings. Final ticket price may be higher from other outlets.
Strictly over 18′s, I.D. may be required.
Whelan’s Indie Club w/ Late Bar from 10:30pm or check out the bands playing The Midnight Hour in the upstairs venue – Free Entry via front door until 10:30pm | Drinks Promos