Whelanslive.com presents
Whelanslive.com are thrilled to present the Irish debut of Montreal’s GRIMES on Wednesday August 3rd upstairs @ Whelan’s. GRIMES brilliantly imaginative & skewed take on electro-pop has seen her debut album, 2010’s Halfaxa garner euphoric praise from all corners and the praise has been no less effusive for her new Ep ‘Darkbloom’ with GRIMES being hailed by many as a true visionary with an ear for infectious cosmic disco like few before her.
Grimes’ audio universe where Kate Bush jams with Fleetwood Mac in a floatation tank while the spirit of Arthur Russell hovers overhead is simply stunning. The European release of Halfaxa last month will mean that you’ll be hearing a lot more from GRIMES in the next year and with artists like James Blake & Lykke Li popularizing interesting mash-ups of sub genres the time is now for GRIMES and her unique style or music.
Supporting on the night is the wonderful Robyn Bromfield aka CATSCARS from Dublin.
WATCH GRIMES: http://vimeo.com/21835455 / http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jxC2XLePDWQ
SXSW TOUR DIARY: www.vimeo.com/arbutus
Grimes is weird pop influenced by styles such as R&B, Industrial, goth, hip hop and Western medieval organum. She is noted for simple but strong percussion, vocal virtuosity, and addictive melodies. Despite having little acquaintance with music before the age of 18, Grimes (born 1988) has overcome this barrier and used it to her advantage, exploding onto the music scene with a sound that is that is far different from that of her peers, and extremely broad in its references (Mariah Carey, Salem, Cocteau Twins, Gang Gang Dance, The Smiths, Prince). And yet, while all Grimes songs are different and genre-bending, there is a strong sound that is fully her own, characterized primarily by her chameleon-like voice.
“Darkbloom announces Grimes’ arrival as an avant-pop force……channels Lykke Li by way of a blissed-out Donna Summer reverie…………Still, something else entirely makes Grimes unique – there’s an eerie, supernatural undercurrent to these songs” – Pitchfork 7.2
“mysterious and allusive, ethereal and electronic, sometimes harsh and textured and tough, but always supremely accessible even at its most atonal…… This is outer-limits pop that answers the question, can you be simultaneously eerie and cute? It is music made by someone not allergic to ideas, in a tiny bedroom inhabited by a true artist with an imagination of considerable size and scope” – The Guardian
“ … ethereal, eerily moving outerspace transmissions from Montreal’s amazing “cosmic-pop deity” Grimes, who’s firmly established herself as one of our favorite new artists of 2010.” – Gorilla VS Bear
“These albums bear the mark not of career-defining masterpieces . . . but of sudden, prodigious genius; springing up seemingly out of nowhere earlier this year, the discovery of Claire Boucher was less a nice surprise than an outright revelation“ – Cokemachineglow
“Grimes weaves melody and oddity to produce an eerie and sometimes medieval sound that magically overcomes being too obscure to be enjoyed by the masses” – Exclaim
“…astounding vocals—ethereal and haunting glossolalia, like an alien siren song.” – Montreal Mirror
“Halfaxa is quite the beguiling beauty.” – BBC Music
€9 excluding booking fee available from WAV Tickets [Lo-Call 1890 200 078],Tickets.ie & Ticketmaster.