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Whelan’s Upstairs • Monday 5th May 2025
Smithereens is the fabrication of a long-burning desire to share art with dear friends, and make them dance their little arses off. With their unique blend of jazz, funk and grunge, this is an artistic endeavour that regularly comes to fruition. Emotive songwriting paired with some not-too-shabby musicianship proves to work wonders in both the studio and at live shows, where the 5 lads seem to enjoy themselves more than even the crowd.
Smithereens are Noah Snyder, Isaac Wolfe, Sam Healy, Paidi Brennan and Samvel Hovhannisyan.
€11.50 available online from Whelan’s – 50c per ticket service charge applies.
Strictly over 18′s, I.D. may be required
Whelan’s Silent Disco from 10:30pm – 2 DJs, just pick the one you like best (€5 cover charge), plus Late Bar