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October 29, 2024


Main Venue
Oct 29, 2024 @ 8:00pm

Foggy Notions presents


plus support

Whelan’s Main Venue • Tue 29th October 2024

“the best avant garde pop cellist since Arthur Russell” – Uncut

“rich, rewarding, spellbinding music from a true original” – ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ The Guardian

A sense of destiny hangs over Sentir Que No Sabes, Mabe Fratti’s fourth solo-credited album released in a five year span. Her work has always possessed a finely tuned sense of drama capable of expressing a range of emotional states, and across this new album, she conveys the struggle to process various relationships or situations-and the actions that come next.Sentir Que No Sabes is urgent and clear, poppy, generous and approachable, while showcasing a considerable emotional hinterland. It is also, as Fratti is quick to mention, “groovy.”

Written and recorded with her partner, multi-instrumentalist, and co-composer Héctor Tosta (I.La Catölica, Titanic), Sentir Que No Sabes is the result of an intense, detail-oriented process. Fueled by a new confidence gained in their collaborative project, Titanic, and its critically acclaimed 2023 LP, Vidrio, the two hunkered down in the familiarity of their studio (aka Tinho Studios) to bash out the initial sonic coordinates of her new record. “We talked and talked, and
discussed ways of playing and recording, until things became inevitable,” Fratti explains. “We recorded a bunch of demos at our home studio and that meant we had a lot of time to re-edit and experiment. We really dug in. We were super focused on detail.” Tosta also took up the controls as producer and arranger-in-chief for all additional instruments. The album was later completed at Willem Twee Studios in Den Bosch in the Netherlands, and Pedro y el Lobo Studios and Soy Sauce Studios, in Mexico City.

What to make of Sentir Que No Sabes? High gloss Pastoralism? The sound of a city-bound, post-post modern soulscape? No matter the emotions evoked, it’s the work of an artist coming into their own, and creating a benchmark record.


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€23 available online from Whelan’s – 50c per ticket service charge applies.

Strictly over 18′s, I.D. may be required.


Whelan’s Indie Club w/ Late Bar from 10:30pm or check out the Silent Disco in the upstairs venue – Free Entry via front door until 10:30pm | Drinks Promos

Main Venue
Oct 29, 2024 @ 8:00pm