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VAPORIZER EP LAUNCH plus support SKODO KOMODO ^ Upstairs ^ Facebook event It is said that one day the Sun will swallow the Earth and all other planets. As it gets closer, the warmth will melt the polar shells, feeding the sea, inciting nature’s rage, finally cursing its revenge upon the Earth and all of its little cities; one by one, being by being. Crumbs of rubbish will carry diseases that have been developed over thousands of years. Countless new forms of animals will be twisting, moving and dancing their way through their insanity – a gift from the endless tons of toxic trash we recklessly harboured. Waves will grow higher than our skyscrapers. There will be no place to go; nowhere to hide. Flesh, bone and blood. All will be one again. Water will be earth; stone will be sea.


€7 available on the door Strictly over 18′s, I.D. may be required


Whelan’s Silent Disco, now every Mon, Tue & Wed from 11pm – 2 DJs, just pick the one you like best [Free Entry] plus Late Bar.